혼동하기 쉬운 형용사 50개  English82 - 무료영어중국어 자료모음

혼동하기 쉬운 형용사 50개

1. beneficial/beneficent ▪beneficial[bènəfíʃəl] a. 유익한, 유리한 ▪beneficent[bənéfəsənt] a. 자선심이 많은, 인정 많은

♣ Vegetarianism can also have [beneficial / beneficent] effects on the environment as well.

2. childlike/childish ▪childlike a. 어린애다운, 귀여운 ▪childish a. 유치한 a childish idea 유치한 생각.

3. comparable/comparative ▪comparable[kɑ́mpərəbəl] a. 비교될만한, 비교되는(with); 필적하는(to). ■comparative[kəmpǽrətiv] a.비교의, 상대적인

♣ Women are unequally represented in science, engineering, and technology, and their career progression is not [comparable / comparative] to
that of male colleagues.

4. comprehensible/comprehensive ■ comprehensible
a.이해할 수 있는 ■ comprehensive a. 포괄적인

5. conscious/conscience/conscientious ▪conscious
a. 의식하는 n. 의식
▪conscience n. 양심 conscientious a. 양심적인

6. conservative/progressive ▪conservative a. 보수적인 ▪ progressive a. 진보적인. 전진하는

♣ [05-05-고려24번] Well-educated, they had raised their children according to the most [progressive /conservative] thinking. Emphasizing feelings rather than behavior, the parents allowed the kids to express themselves openly.

7. considerable/considerate ▪considerable a. 상당한,
대단한 ▪considerate a. 사려 깊은, 이해심 많은

♣[05-06-평가원27번] Learning Korean may be difficult for English speakers because in Korean, unlike in English, [considerable/considerate] differences exist in both grammar and vocabulary depending on the relationship between the two peopleinvolved.

♣[05-05-정일24번] Whether there's a regulation or not, the bottom line is that good neighbors are those who are [considerate / considerable] of those around them.

♣[05-05-종로20번] The early Greeks were the first to formulate some of the problems and their work exercised [considerable / considerate] influence for two thousand years.

♣[05-07-Exam4you23번] In recent years drought and severe storms with high winds have caused [considerate / considerable] erosion of the soil.

8. continual/continuous ▪continual a. 빈번한
▪continuous a. 끊임없이 이어지는

♣ continual 끊겼다가도 곧 계속되는: continual misunderstanding between nations 국가 간의 빈번한 오해. continuous, 끊이지 않는, 중단 없이 계속되는:
a continuous rain 줄기차게 내리는 비.

9. dependable/dependent //dependent/independent ▪dependable a. 신뢰할 수 있는 ▪dependent a. 의존적인
■ independent a. 독립한. 독립적인

♣ As humans, we are completely [independent / dependent] on biodiversity for survival. Yet we are destroying large parts of our natural world.
❊ biodiversity 생물의 다양성

10. desirable/desirous▪desirable[dizáiərəbəl a. 바람직한 ▪desirous[dizáiərəs] a. 원하는. 열망하는

♣[05-06-종로24번] For most people a movie is a cheap ticket to get far away from the stress and problems of their everyday lives. So people are
[desirous / desirable] of more wonderful movies.

11. economic/economical/economics ▪economic
a. 경제의, 경제에 관한 ▪economical a. 경제적인, 절약하는(=frugal, thrifty) ▪economics 경제학

♣[2005수능23번] The romance of roses has been replaced by [economic/economics] realities.

♣[05-07-이투스23번] Consider the following example: say, your [economist/economy] has only apples, and you borrow $50 from a friend when apples are $2 each.

12. elaborate/simplified ■ elaborate[ilǽbərit]
a. 공들인. 정교한 ■ simplified a. 단순화한

♣[05-06-평가원27번] A Korean speaker, for instance, may have to use different verb forms depending on his or her relationship to the person whom he or she speaks to. This indicates that Korean speakers at times use a more [elaborate/simplified]system for addressing each other.

13. eminent/imminent ■ eminent[émənənt]
a. 저명한. 유명한
■ imminent[ímənənt] a. 긴급한. 절박한

14. famous/notorious ■ famous a. 유명한 ■ notorious
a. (나쁜 의미로) 소문난. 유명한

15. favorite/favorable ■ favorite a. 가장 좋아하는
■ favorable a. 호의적인. 유리한

16. general/generous ■ general a. 일반적인.
■ generous a. 관대한. 너그러운

17. guilty/innocent ■ guilty a. 유죄의. 죄책감을 갖는
■ innocent a. 결백한. 무죄의. 순진한

♣ Still other survivors may be overcome with feelings of [guilt / innocence], feeling that they somehow neglected or ignored their departed loved one.

18. healthful/healthy ▪healthful a. 건강에 좋은: healthful exercise ▪healthy a. 건강한

19. historic/historical ▪historic a. 역사상 유명한 ;
the historic scenes 사적, 유적.
▪historical a. 역사(상)의 ;historical background
역사적 배경.

20. imaginable/imaginary/imaginative ▪imaginable
a. 상상할 수 있는
▪imaginary a. 가상의, 가공의▪imaginative a.
상상력이 풍부한

♣ He would invent fanciful names on the spot.
On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called "Scented Shadow. He loved to be told that one of his [imaginative/imaginary] products was all sold out and he would seriously promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did.

21. industrial/industrious ■ industrial a. 산업의
■ industrious a.부지런한

♣[05-04-대성23번] The syllabus stated that the class would trace the development of technology from Roman times to the [industrial / industrious] age.
*sillabus[síləbəs] n. 강의 계획서

♣[05-07-교육청23번] He is really [industrial industrious].

22. ingenious/ingenuous ▪ingenious [indʒíːnjəs]
a. 발명에 재능이 있는

23. intellectual/intelligent ▪intellectual a. 지적인 ▪intelligent a. 총명한, 영리한

♣ Patents are sometimes used to help inventors, owners, artists, etc. protect their own [intellectual / intelligent] property.

24. intensive/extensive ■ intensive a. 집중적인
■ extensive a. 광대한. 넓은

25. jealous/zealous ■ jealous[dʒéləs] a. 질투하는.
■ zealous[zéləs] a. 열심인. 열성적인

26. late/lately ■ late a. ad. 늦은. 늦게 ■ lately ad. 최근에

♣[05-03-중앙24번] This land has been donated to the school by Mr. John Smith. the son of the [late / lately] Tom Smith.

27. later/latter ■ late-later-latest[시간] 나중에
■ late-latter-last[순서] 후자

28. literary/literate/literal ▪literary[lítərəri] a. 문학의 ▪literacy[lítərəsi] n. 읽고 쓸 수 있는 능력↔illiteracy[ilítərəsi]n. 문맹 ▪literate[lítərit] a. 읽고 쓸 수 있는 ▪literal[lítərəl] a. 문자 그대로의

♣ Four hundreds years ago, few people in England went to school or learned to read and write. But this lack of [literacy / illiteracy] does not mean the people were uneducated.

29. loyal/royal ▪loyal a. 충성스러운 ▪royal a. 왕(실)의
* royalty 왕권. 인세, 특허세

30. luxurious/luxuriant ▪luxurious[lʌgʒúəriəs]
a. 호화로운, 사치스러운
▪luxuriant[lʌgʒúəriənt] a. 풍부한. 번성한 * luxury
n. 사치. (pl)사치품

31. major/majority ■ major a. 주요한 n. 전공과목. 소령
v. 전공하다 ■ majority n. 대부분. 대다수. 성년

♣[05-03-교육청20번] The [major/majority] of them chose the pen they had looked at while they were listening to pleasant background music.

32. memorable/memorial ▪memorable a. 기억할만한 ▪memorial a. 기념의 n. 기념물

33. metal/mental //mental/physical ▪metal n. 금속 ▪mental a. 정신적인 ■ physical a. 육체의. 신체의

♣ Shortly after a loved one has died, grieving people often experience [mental / physical] discomfort such as shortness of breath and tightness of the throat.

34. momentary/momentous ▪momentary[móuməntèri]
a. 순간적인 ▪momentous[mouméntəs] a. 중대한

35. moral/mortal //morality/mortality ▪moral a. 도덕적인 ▪mortal a. 치명적인, 죽을 운명의 ■ morality n. 도덕
■ mortality n. 죽어야 할 운명

♣ Today, the lack of [morality / mortality] is becoming an increasingly serious problem in business

36. natural/neutral ■ natural a. 자연의
■ neutral[njúːtrəl] a. 중립의

♣[05-05-종로21번] What exactly is an iceberg? This [neutral / natural] phenomenon is the result of a glacial movement.

37. near/nearly ■ near a. ad. 가까운. 가까이
■ nearly ad. 거의

♣[05-07-종로23번] If the pictures are successful, they may solve a number of problems about Mars and provide information about the markings on its surface which, [near/nearly] 100 years ago, the astronomer, Schiaparelli, thought to be canals.

38. objective/objection ▪objective n. 목적. 목적어
a. 객관적인 ▪objection n. 반대. 이의

♣[2005.수능24번] I know you will be interested in the [objective/objection]of our committee.

♣[05-06-종로23번] To some people, art is the depiction of an [object / objection] - a painting or sculpture of a person, for example. For others, art may be a blank canvas, or a piece of chalk.

39. periodic/periodical ■ periodic a. 주기적인. 정기의 ■ periodical a. 주기적인. 정기간행의 n. 정기간행물

40. personal/personnel ■ personal a. 개인의
■ personnel n. 직원

♣[05-05-정일24번] Some people believe it is their right to do whatever they want with their [personnel/personal] property.

41. practical/practicable ■ practical a. 실제상의. 실용적인 ■ practicable a. 실행할 수 있는

42. precise/precious/previous ■ precise[prisáis]
a. 정확한 ■ precious[préʃəs] a. 귀중한
▪previous[príːviəs] a. 이전의

43. priceless/valueless ■ priceless a. 대단히 귀중한
■ valueless a. 가치가 없는

♣[05-04-대성24번] the tour guides remind them to stay on the tour mats, thus protecting [valueless/ priceless] Oriental rugs.

44. principal/principle ▪principal a.주요한 n.교장
▪principle n.원리, 원칙

♣[05-03-대성23번] They forget that the camera's eye works on [principles/ principals] similar to their own.

45. proper/prosper ▪proper a. 적당한, 알맞은
▪prosper v. 번성(번창)하다

46. reliable/undependable ▪reliable a. 믿을만한 ▪undependable 의지[신뢰]할 수 없는

♣[05-02-Exam4you24번]They say solar and wind energy can provide a [reliable/undependable] supply of electricity.

47. respectable/respectful/respected/respective ▪respectable a. 존경을 받을만한, 훌륭한 ▪respectful
a. 경의를 표하는. 공손한 ▪respected a. 존경받는 ▪respective a. 각각의

♣ It requires that the parties stay focused on one another's [respectful / respective] goals and interests.

48. sacred/scared/scarce ■ sacred[séikrid] a. 신성한 ■ scared a. 무서워하는. 겁먹은 ■ scarce[skɛəːrs]
a. 부족한; 드문. 진귀한

♣Many changes took place in musical composition because of a new interest in secular as well as [scared/sacred] music.

♣ Sandra walked into the castle. The front door was open but nobody was there. She became very [scared / scarce].

49. sensible/sensitive/sensual/sensuous ■ sensible
a. 분별 있는, 현명한(=wise) ■ sensitive a. 민감한 sensual a. 관능적인 ■ sensuous a. 감각적인

♣[05-07-교육청23번] And he is really [sensible / sensory] about what he eats. He never overeats himself and touches junk food.

♣ You can buy all types of film for your camera, and they will all have a film speed. "Fast" films are more [sensible / sensitive] to light than "slow" films.

50. social/sociable ■ social a. 사회적인
■ sociable a. 사교적인

♣[05-03-종로24번] Ordinarily men and women like their work, and at most periods of history always have done so. When they do not.